Tuesday, May 10, 2011

6 Months Down.......

Here is a picture of beautiful Mommy at 6 months.  Such exciting times for us, we were recently able to see her stomach move, a result of our baby kicking.  I have felt him kick her and she still feels him all the time.  She says its like he is doing Karate in there.  We move into our new house on June 1st and I am working hard with my Father and Brother to remodel the kitchen before we move in.  After that it'll be time to get the nursery set up which we are both really looking forward to.  We are doing a rocketship theme for his room and we can't wait to get started on it.  Also for Janel's 24th birthday her sister's surprised her with a 3d/4d sonogram!!!!  That is taking place on June 4th, so be sure to check back for those pictures and hopefully a video of our little guy at 7 months.  Have a great May and enjoy the weather!!!